The most obvious and important aspect to track in any of your social media campaigns is the referring sites; that is, which websites visitors have come from via a link to your site.
You'll get to see not only which of your social networking sites have brought traffic to your site, but also which other sites and blogs like and have picked up your campaign.
In Survey Analytics, this information is simply listed under .referring sites. with information conveying how many visits each referring site produced, how many pages on average visitors viewed from each referring site, the average time visitors spent on site, the percentage of new visitors the site brought and the bounce rate of visitors.
Survey Analytics's Social media is brilliant for business because it allows you to both improve your page rankings and create brand awareness; and increase traffic, subscribers and sales, all for free.
Social Media Analytics
Survey Analytics's Social Media Analytics provides multi-language support because a bad customer review is as valid in Spanish or French as it is in English; some estimates are that less than half of all Twitter traffic is in English.
Survey Analytics's Social Media Analytics allows organizations to advance beyond ad hoc social media interactions by maintaining an archive of conversations necessary for ongoing analysis.
Understanding that your brand or business is being viewed in a negative light is useful, but understanding which elements of your business are generating that sentiment allows you to take action. Survey Analytics's has a unique approach for developing custom taxonomies and concepts that aligns to the most important business concerns and bring a level of clarity and insight other solutions can't match.
With Survey Analytics's Social Media Analytics, subject-matter expertise and statistical models are combined to create powerful, efficient sentiment extraction rules that business expertise and statistical rigor alone cannot provide.
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