In the competitive world of tradeshows, meetings, conferences, and conventions, you need accurate, timely feedback to determine the best marketing plans and guarantee future success. Survey Analytics can provide the information you need without tying up your limited resources. We can gather the feedback that is essential to discovering how your exhibition or tradeshow can be improved. Surveys are accessible on an iPad located at the conference or on the show floor. Attendees open the survey, reply, and let the next user answer the same survey. All surveys are recorded as individual responses. This is an excellent method of obtaining immediate, on-the-spot reactions from your attendees!
Survey Analytics iPad/ iPhone Survey tool
With the IPad/ iPhone application you can now conduct field surveys, where in respondents can answer your surveys through an iPad/ iPhone havind a similar user interface as it would be any other web browser.
You can conduct post Trade Show Surveys, Conference Surveys. With a limited number of input fields you can collect qualititve data for the event that helps you analyze yoru respondents with greater complexity.
Using iPad for Research Studies
Any survey that you create on the Survey Analytics platform can now viewed/ answered easily through an Apple ipad. The surveys would be displayed the same way as they would be displayed on any web browser. You can collect multiple rows of data during conferences by passing the ipad to multiple users. A quick way to collect qualitative data.
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